Unanticipated expenses happen. Unforeseen problems arise. Our overdraft services help cover you when you don't have enough cash in your checking account, so you can avoid your debit card being declined or the cost of a returned check.
Overdraft Service Options
Explore HBI Bank Bank and Trust’s overdraft service options in the chart below, then visit your nearest FNBT location, or call us at 800.667.4401 to discuss which coverage is right for you.
Details | Checks | Bill Payments and ACH items | Recurring Debit Card Transactions | ATM withdrawals and one-time debit card transactions | Cost | |
Standard Overdraft Service1 | Most checking accounts come with standard overdraft service. | Yes | Yes | -Yes | No | You are only charged a fee if you use this service. View fee No |
Debit Card Overdraft Service1 | When added to Standard Overdraft Service, everyday debit card and ATM transactions are covered. You must opt-in to take advantage of this service. | No | No | No | -Yes | You are only charged a fee if you use this service. View fee No |
Overdraft transfer from a deposit account | Yes | Yes | -Yes | -Yes | You are only charged a fee if you use this service. View fee No | |
Overdraft transfer from a line of credit2 | Yes | Yes | -Yes | -Yes | You are only charged a fee if you use this service. View fee No |
Decline All Overdraft Setting
You can request a Decline All Overdraft Setting on your account. The Decline All Setting is automatically applied to Renew and Teen Checking accounts. With this setting, we only authorize an everyday debit card purchase, ATM withdrawal, check, online bill payment, and other electronic payments when we determine there is enough money available in your account at the time of the transaction.
If you request a Decline All Overdraft Setting, the following will occur if there are not enough funds:
- For ATM withdrawals and everyday debit card purchases our standard practice is to decline the transaction and not charge an Overdraft item fee.
- Recurring debit card payments may be authorized when funds are available in your account, but cause an overdraft when they settle at a later date. We will not charge a fee if it was authorized on available funds.
- For checks, online bill payments, or other electronic payments, we may return the item and charge a NSF (non-sufficient fund) Returned Item fee
You can change your Overdraft Setting by calling 800.667.4401, sending us a secure message through your FNBT online banking account, or visiting your nearest FNBT location.
How to Avoid Consumer Overdrafts
You will not be charged an overdraft fee if you make a sufficient deposit or transfer funds to cover a negative balance before cutoff time on the same business day.
Online Banking
Visit bankatfirstnational.com to enroll in online banking. Once enrolled, check account balances, transfer funds, and setup account alerts.
Mobile Banking App
Download our banking app from your iPhone, iPad, or Android on the App Store or Google Play by searching “HBI Bank Bank and Trust”. Sign in with your online banking Access ID and Password. View account activity, transfer funds, and deposit checks right from your phone or tablet.
Card Management
The card management feature within Online Banking and the Mobile Banking App can help you control your cards by giving you the ability to set Merchant, Spending and Transaction Controls.
First Express Overdraft Line of Credit
If your checking account balance becomes overdrawn, your First Express Overdraft Line of Credit automatically covers your debits, purchases, and checks up to your available credit limit. You can easily transfer money from your line directly into your checking account2, anytime you need emergency cash. Enjoy convenient access to an extra layer of protection with HBI Bank Bank's First Express Overdraft Line of Credit.
1Overdraft Service is not available for certain accounts, such as Teen Checking, Renew Checking, Savings accounts, and Money Market accounts. Our overdraft fee is per item whether the overdraft is by check, ATM withdrawal, debit card transaction, or other electronic means. You will be charged no more than ten (10) overdraft and insufficient funds fees per day for consumer accounts. You must immediately bring your account to a positive balance. The payment of transactions into overdraft is discretionary and the Bank reserves the right not to pay. For example, the Bank typically does not pay overdrafts if your account is not in good standing or you have had excessive overdrafts.
2 Lines of credit subject to credit approval. Line of credit transfers will incur interest charges at current Line of Credit interest rates. View Personal Account Fee Schedule. There is a $35 annual fee.